Dependent Student visa (subclass 500)

If your partner holds a student visa, you and your children can join your partner as dependents on their student visa.

Student Visas >

Dependent Student visa (subclass 500)

A student dependent visa (subclass 500) can be lodged onshore or offshore, depending on your current circumstances. If you are currently onshore and you either have a no further stay condition imposed on your current visa, or you are section 48 barred, you will need to apply from offshore.

To apply for this visa you need to provide sufficient evidence that your relationship is genuine and continuing. You will also need to show that you have genuine intentions of staying with your partner temporarily in Australia.

You will also need to meet financial, health and character criteria.

We specialise in providing sound advice and guidance in the preparation of student visa dependent applications.

Please contact us for assistance.

Corporate Offices
Suite 4, Level 8/99 York St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Contact Numbers
+61 (0) 2 8283 0481

Am I eligible for this visa options?

Contact us today for a commitment free briefing with our Registered Migration Agents in Melbourne to find more about your visa options.